Process Orders

Process Orders

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Batch process imported, downloaded and entered orders.

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You can use the Process Orders to automate your order fulfillment. Import orders from another source (e.g., your Internet store), fill backorders, process payments, print invoices and send completed orders to shipping.

  1. To access the Products feature move your mouse cursor to the Orders and click Process Orders69
  2. This will open the Process Orders screen
  3. The Process Orders screen is divided into four tabs, Import Orders, Fill Backorders, Process Payments, Invoicing and Shipping.  Instructions for each step follow below.
    1. Import Orders
    2. Fill Backorders
    3. Process Payments
    4. Invoicing
    5. Shipping

Import Orders
Following are instructions for importing orders from another source such as an Internet store or a text file sent to you via some other method. You can skip this step if you only wish to process orders entered directly into Channergy or if your orders are being downloaded using the MCM.

Note: The next steps assume you have an import already defined. If this is the first time importing please see the help topic: Import Orders.

  1. Select an import definition from the grid in the upper half of the screen by clicking on it (it will highlight in blue), then click the Import button. If you do not have a definition listed you can create one, or you can edit an existing one. See the Import Orders help topic for details.71
    1. Note: This process may take a few seconds or several minutes depending on the size of your file.
  2. The Imported Grid in the lower half of the screen  will display a listing of all the orders imported. You can manually change any of the white fields by simply clicking on them and typing the new information.72
  3. Click the button. If an imported customer already has an account in Channergy only the order will be added. This prevents the addition of duplicate customer accounts.
  4. Click the button to enter the imported orders into Channergy’s order database. Note: This may take a few seconds or several minutes depending on the size of your file.
  5. Upon completion of the Process step a message will appear with the batch number for this import. You may wish to record this information for future reference.
  6. The Imported Grid in the lower half of the screen will now display the imported orders. The status of each will be displayed in the gray fields. If an error occurred a Message explaining it will appear in the Message field. You can double click an error to view it in its entirety.
    1. You can also select report R7600 Process Orders Import Warnings from the button at the bottom of the screen. This will list all orders with warning messages. You can use this report to edit orders later. (The most common error is that an ordered product is not in your inventory. You can add the product to your inventory, then add the item to the order).
  7. You may, if you wish, select any item in the imported grid and click the Edit Cust or Edit Order button to go directly to the Customer or Order screen for that entry.
  8. Imported orders may be shown as Backordered. This depends on our Preference settings under the Order tab for the field.
    1. If  Fill Backorders on standard import is checked the items will not be automatically backordered. You can skip the Fill Backorders step and go directly to the Process Payments tab.
    2. If  Fill Backorders On Import is unchecked the imported items will be backordered. This allows you to selectively fill backorders if you do not have enough items in stock. Go the the Fill Backorders tab.
    3. Note: Both methods prevent committing of items when you do not have enough stock.

Fill Backorders

This process automatically fills oldest backordered items first until in stock supplies have been exhausted. You can also use this if you selected to have imported orders held as backorders. Backordered items (with a status of BO on the Order screen) will become Committed items (CM).  Note: All orders downloaded via the MCM are in Backorder status by default.

  1. Click the Fill Backorders tab on the Process Orders screen Fill Backorders Tab
  2. In the bottom left corner of the Fill Backorders screen click the Refresh Button button. This will populate the screen with any orders that have at least one item in backorder status.Fill Backorders Grid
  3. You can deselect any orders for which you do not wish to fill backorders by double-clicking the Process checkbox Process Checkbox for that line.
    1. Note: You can use the Check Uncheck All Buttons buttons at the top of the grid to select all or none of the orders to be processed.
  4. When you are ready to fill backorders, click the Fill Button button.
    1. Orders that can be filled (based on the In Stock quantities for items ordered) will show a check in both the Complete and Updated checkboxes. Orders that cannot be filled at this time will show a check only in the Complete checkbox. Note: If an order has a line item with multiple backordered quantities and you do not have enough items to fill all the backorders for the item, Process Orders will leave all items in that line backordered.
    2. You can fill remaining backordered items later by increasing your In Stock quantities for products and rerunning the Fill Backorders step.
    3. You can force fill individual orders by forcing backorders from the context menu in the orders screen.Force Backorders
  5. You can select to process orders based on the order priority Ship Priority .  Select either Rush or Preferred from the drop down menu and click on the  Refresh Button button.  Software will then query the database for any orders that have backordered items who have the priority set to the method selected.
    1. To set the priority for an order,  click on the Details Button button in the order screen.  This will display the Order Details screen.Order Details Dialog
    2. Select either Preferred or Rush from the Priority drop down.
    3. Click on the Close button to save your changes.
  6. Any filled backordered items will now have a status of Committed (CM). If all items in an order are in a Committed (CM) status.
    1. Note: You can select in Preferences to have Committed items shipped ahead of backordered items. Choose this option for all orders by checking the Default to Don't Hold for BO in the Preferences dialog under the Orders tab.
    2. You can also choose the option for an individual order by checking it on the Shipping tab of the order screen.Shipping Don't Hold for BO

Process Payments
The Process Payments screen uses your connection with a supported third-party credit card approval package (e.g., PCCharge, PCAuthorize, ICVerify or AuthorizeNet). You can also manually approve orders.

  1. Click on the Process Payments tab on the Process Orders screen Process Payments tab
  2. In the bottom left corner of the Process Payments screen click the button. This will populate the screen with any orders that have an amount due.  Process Payments Grid
  3. You can deselect any orders for which you do not wish to process payments on by double-clicking the Process checkbox for that line.
    1. Note: You can use the Check Uncheck All Buttons buttons at the top of the grid to select all or none of the orders to be processed.
  4. If you have set up a credit card software package to interface with Channergy.
    1. Click the button. An approval dialog will open for each charge. Click the Send button and the charge will be submitted to your credit card software. An approval number or decline will be received and automatically added to the order. The dialog will then open for the next charge until all charges are complete, or you can select an item and click the button again.
  5. If you have not set up a credit card software package you can approve charges manually.
    1. Click the first order in the grid to select it. Then click the button to open the order.
    2. The Order screen will open to the selected order. Click the Payment tab in the bottom left corner of the Order screen to display payment information.payment
    3. If the order contains payment information click on the Edit Button button.  This will open up the Payment screen with the payment information populated.payment Process the card using the terminal and enter in the Approval number in the Approval # field and click on the OK button.  This will update the paid amount field in order screen.
    4. If the order does not contain payment information click on the New button button.  This will open up the Payment screen with the default values populated.paymentNewEnter in the payment information and click on the OK button.  This will mark the order as paid.
    5. Repeat the above steps for each order in the Process Payments tab.
    6. At this point orders are committed and payments are applied. You can now print invoices for these orders. Click the Invoicing tab.

Print invoices for all outstanding orders and change the status of the order to Filled (FI) so it can progress to Shipping.

  1. Click on the Invoicing tab on the Process Orders screen Process Payments tab
  2. In the bottom left corner of the Invoicing screen click the button. This will populate the screen with any orders that are paid and committed.  Fill Backorders Grid
  3. You can deselect any orders for which you do not wish to process payments on by double-clicking the Process checkbox for that line.
    1. Note: You can use the Check Uncheck All Buttons buttons at the top of the grid to select all or none of the orders to be processed.
  4. Print invoices for all the selected orders in the list by clicking the button and selecting the report: R5103 Process Orders Invoices.
    1. Note: You can create your own reports and add them to the button by selecting the Setup option Report Setup
    2. This will open the Print Setup screen.
    3. To add a new report to the report list click on the Add Button button.
    4. Select the report from the dropdown list.75
    5. See the Modifying Reports help topic for instructions on creating/editing your own reports.
  5. To continue click the Process Button button. This marks these orders as printed, and changes their status to Filled. The Complete and Updated boxes will be checked for all invoiced orders.

Box Scanning

The box scanning feature is available from both the Invoicing and the Shipping tab in the process orders screen.  This feature us used to package orders that require more than one box.  It is also used in conjunction with item serialization.

  1. To start the box scanning feature click on the Box Scanning Button button from either the Invoicing or Shipping tab.
  2. This will bring up the Box Scanning screen.
  3. To start boxing an order, click on the Start New Order button.
  4. This will open the New Order screen.newOrder
  5. Scan or key in the order number from the printed invoice or packing slip, click on the OK Button button.  The Box Scanning screen will show order information for the order selected. Order Information
  6. Start filling the boxes by either scanning the UPC or keying in the product number and clicking Add To Current Box button.  The Box Scanning system will compute the weight based on the weight value of the product and a cumulative weight for each box. Box Weight
  7. When you have completed filling a box, click on Start New Box button.
  8. If a product requires a serial number the following dialog will display Serial Number Dialog Scan in the serial number from the product and click on the OK Button button.  Scanned Serial Number
    1. NOTE: If the serial number has not been scanned during the Receive Inventory process the Box Scanning feature will not allow you to add the product to the order.
  9. When you have finished packing the order, click on the Finish Packing Order button.  You will get a confirmation box Confirmation Dialog
  10. When you click the OK button the system will print out an R5104 Box Invoice reportR5104 Box Invoice Report
  11. Clicking on the Show Remaining Items button,  will give you a dialog similar to the one below showing the remaining items to be added to the box. 78

Orders appear in this section that are ready to be shipped. If you have set up Channergy to work with UPS Worldship, Fedex ShipManager, Endicia Professional or another third-party shipping package you can weigh and label packages and then process them here. Or, you can print labels from Channergy directly.

  1. Click on the Shipping tab on the Process Orders screen Process Payments tab
  2. In the bottom left corner of the Invoicing screen click the button. This will populate the screen with any orders that are marked as filled.  Shipping Grid
  3. You can deselect any orders for which you do not wish to process payments on by double-clicking the Process checkbox for that line.
    1. Note: You can use the Check Uncheck All Buttons buttons at the top of the grid to select all or none of the orders to be processed.
  4. You can print the following reports before marking items shipped
    1. R5231 Process Orders Packing List
    2. L1231 Process Orders 5163 with Ret Address
    3. L1211 Process Orders 5163 Labels no Ret Address
    4. L1201 Process Orders 5160 Labels
  5. To complete the orders click the button. This marks these orders as shipped.
    1. NOTE: If  you are using a Shipping Integration with UPS Worldship, Endicia Professional, Fedex ShipManager or some other third party shipping solution, it is recommended that you do not mark the orders as shipped using Process Orders.  Instead we recommend that you run the MarkAllShipped script from the Tools menu.  This script marks all of the orders that have tracking numbers as shipped.

You have completed Process Orders. This action can be used for orders you import from other sources as well as orders you input manually. You can run it as many times a day as you wish, and only the incomplete orders will appear under each tab.

UNDER THE HOOD: The process orders functionality was originally designed to import files that were downloaded from a shopping card and manually imported into a temporary table called StandardImport these orders were then imported into permanent tables and subsequently batch processed going from left to right on the tabs Fill Backorders -> Process Payments -> Invoicing -> Shipping

For a detailed discussion on the Import Orders functionality, see the Import Orders documentation.

In addition to the core tables in the software, the process orders uses the ProcessBackorders,ProcessPayments,ProcessInvoices and ProcessShipping tables.  If you are using the Box Scanning feature the system also uses the Box and BoxItems tables.

Fill Backorders

When you click on the Refresh button in the Fill Backorders tab the software searches the Items table for any orders that have at least one item in Backorder status.  In database terms the system looks for any orders that have a non-zero quantity in the Backordered field in the Items table.   For any orders that meet the above critera the following information is added to the ProcessBackorders table, OrderNo, OrderDt, ShipCompany,ShipLastName and ShipFirstName.  In addition the Proccess field is set to True, the Complete and Updated fields are set to False.  When the Fill… button is clicked, the software goes through the ProcessBackorders table and subtracts the BackOrdered quantity in the Items table from the InStock quantity for the ProductNo in the Items table until the InStock quantity goes to zero for the ProductNo in the item table.  If the product was completely filled, then the Backordered field is set to zero, this will show up as Committed in the order screen.   If there is not enough stock to completely fill a Backordered quantity in the items table, the order remains in Backorder status.  For each record in the ProcessBackorders table that is processed, the software sets the Complete to True.  If all of the items were filled in an order, the Updated field is set to true.

Process Payments

When you click on the Refresh button in the Process Payments tab the software searches the Orders table for any orders that have an amount due and populates the following information is added to the ProcessPayments table: OrderNo,OrderDt, ShipCompany,ShipLastName, ShipFirstName,PayMethod,CardNumber (in the form N********NNNN) from the Orders table ,  and ShortExpireDt, Bank, CheckNo, CheckRouteNo, CheckAccountNo, ApprovalCode, PaymentNo, IsBudget and BudgetPeriod from the Payment table.  As of Channergy 2011 (Build 1118) the batch Authorization using the Authorization has not been updated to decrypt the credit cards before processing them.  You can click on the Edit Order… button and process the payment from the order screen.


When you click on the Refresh button in the Invoicing screen, the software searches all of the orders that are Committed and do not have a balance due and populates the following in the ProcessInvoices table:  OrderNo, OrderDt, ShipCompany, ShipLastName, and ShipFirstName are added from the Orders table.  In addition the Process field is set to True, and the Updated, and the Complete fields are set to false.  This information is primarily used for batch printing invoices.  The report R5103 Process Orders Invoices uses the ProcessInvoices table to control what invoices are printed from the table.  If the Process flag is set to true, the related Order will be printed.  When the Process… button is clicked all of the orders that have the Process flag set to True will have all of the items in the orders that are committed will be marked as filled.  This is done by copying the value in the Quantity field to the Filled field.


When you click on the Refresh button in the Shipping screen, the software searches all of the orders that have all the items marked as filled and populates the following into the ProcessShipping table: OrderNo, OrderDt, ShipCompany, ShipLastName, and ShipFirstName are added from the Orders table.  In addition the Process field is set to True, and the Updated, and the Complete fields are set to false.  This information is primarily used form batch printing packing lists.  The report R5231 Process Orders Packing List uses the ProcessShipping table to control what packing slips are printed.  If the Process flag is set to true, the related packing slip will be printed.  When the Process… button is clicked, all of the orders that have the Process flag set to True will have all of the orders that are marked as shipped.  This is done by copying the value in the Quantity field to the Shipped field, the Filled field will also be set to zero.

Box Scanning

When you click on the Start New Order button and key in an order number, the software puts the following information into the Box table: OrderNo, CustNo, OperatorID and the ShipMethod are pulled from the Orders table.  The CreateDt is populated using the computer system date ,the StartDateTime is populated with a time stamp value and the BoxNumber defaults to the number one.  When a product is added to the box, the following information is added to the BoxItems table, the OrderNo, the scanned bar code in the WandedCode field, the related ProductNo, and the UPC field is populated with the ProductNo if there is no UPC in the Products table.  The Quantity is pulled from the Items table and the Weight and ShipsInOwnBox are pulled from the Products table.  If the product is serialized the Box Scanning system will prompt to scan in the serial number.  The scanned value is added to the SerialNumber field.   After each item is added to the box, the total item weight is calculated and added to the BoxCalculatedWeight field in the Box table.  When you click on the Start New Box button, another record is added to the Box table with the Order information and the BoxNumber value is incremented by one.  As items are added to each box the BoxCalculatedWeight is updated.

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